Simon Shaw and Sally Pettipher on LOTG’s tech trials

“We want our children to be able to play”
Simon Shaw MBE, President, Love of the Game
On May 2nd 2022, on the back of the BBC News report on the Love of the Game WAVi scanner trials, President Simon Shaw and Co-Founder Sally Pettipher were interviewed for six minutes on BBC Radio 4’s Today Programme.
Catch up with the recording HERE at timecheck 1:35:43

Earlier in the morning, LOTG Chairman, Laurence Geller, who is also the DCMS Ministerial Adviser on Concussion in Sport, was featured on BBC News discussing the importance of the Government’s work on concussion protocols and LOTG’s work on tech development to mitigate risks of short and long term damage across all sports and all ages.

The BBC News coverage was supported by former Welsh Rugby Prop, Peter Rogers, speaking from the BBC Studio in Cardiff. Following his rugby career, Peter went on to study a Masters in Dementia Care at the University of West London. A course founded and funded by UWL Chancellor, and LOTG Chairman, Laurence Geller CBE.
About Love of the Game
Love of the Game is a campaign which seeks to reduce concussion-related issues arising from contact and non-contact sports. LOTG takes a solutions-based approach to developing new technologies that prevent, diagnose and treat head injuries in sport. The Love of the Game aims to reduce risk of early onset dementia to players, maintain sports as we know and love them, lengthen sporting careers and reduce the fear of taking part. We are an impassioned community of athletes, players, fans, innovators and experts, united by our love of sport and the desire to, not only protect players of all ages from the potentially devastating impact of head injuries, but also to protect the integrity of the sports we know and love.
Media contacts
Harriet Newton