Following a concerted effort to deploy game-changing technology to treat on-the-field sports-related concussion, the Football Association of Wales has officially entered into an agreement with PolarCool to use their technology on the field at the FIFA World Cup.

The cap’s development and deployment have been supported by Love of the Game during its industry ‘Demo Day’. Following successful trials with the Swedish Hockey League, LOTG helped facilitate its move to the UK, building its new relationship with London Irish Rugby Club where the technology is currently being trialled.

Repetitive hits to the head can impair central nervous system function and lead to degenerative conditions like Dementia. It is well known that elevated body temperature in combination with brain trauma leads to a higher risk of serious and long-term brain damage as well as poorer cognitive results.

The cap uses cooling technology to rapidly bring down the higher brain temperatures often seen in cases of head injury and concussion and therefore decreases recovery time and mitigates possible significant brain trauma. Studies[1] have shown that the PolarCap greatly reduces long-term absence after a concussion.

CGI of adult wearing PolarCap

Love of the Game Chairman, Laurence Geller said:

“This is another step in the right direction to protect our players and our sports. Demonstrating that new technology that can prevent and treat concussions on the world stage helps us to raise the issue at an international level and is in line with our ambition to protect every player, at every level.

“Love of the Game will continue to champion technology, policy, and research to keep the game alive and our players protected.”